Personal Trainer & athletic therapist in Montreal - Moeen

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Moeen completed his Bachelor’s in Athletic Therapy from Concordia University. His specialties are: functional movement, postural reeducation, treatment of acute and chronic injuries, training with athletic and clinical populations and increase speed, power, strength and stability for all populations depending on their needs.
In regards to his experience with clinical populations, he worked with seniors at the Cummings Centre. The conditions/diseases he worked with are the following: Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, post-stroke, heart conditions and osteoporosis. With the Hope and Cope centre, he worked within the oncology domain. Most of his work was women with mastectomies (breast cancer), but also those with prostate, colon and brain cancer.
With athletes, he completed a stage with McGill University. He worked with their basketball, volleyball and lacrosse teams. He completed another stage with the Montreal Impact Academy (U13-U21). He was in charge with preparing the athletes for return to play after suffering a sport injury. He works often with adolescents and adults to treat and progress in their sport.
He also works with general population in conditioning centres such as Mansfield Health Club and Gold’s Gym. Always with a smile and an open personality, his clients enjoy his way of finding interesting and non-orthodox exercises. He is receptive to clients when they speak and is open to compromise based on the clients’ needs. Do not hesitate to contact him for a workout that will leave you with a smile and breathless