Registered Dietitian Toronto - Angela

Are you looking for a registered dietitian in Toronto?
Santé Active can provide you with a registered dietitian in Toronto for workplace consultations or home consultations. We have a team of dietitians near you. Our Toronto team member Angela would like to introduce herself to you.
I am a clinical dietitian with extensive experience in nutritional support in acute care & rehab hospital. My professional interest centers around improving the quality of life of clients with nutrition - I am well versed with both enteral and parenteral modes of support, ranging from formula to device to current best practice.
1. Nutritional support of patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, including patients in the bone marrow transplant unit.
2. Clinical trial studies on nutritional support of lung cancer patients, National Cancer Institute.
1. Developed a Low Microbial Diet for implementation in Bone Marrow Transplant Unit.
2. Developed Progressive Liquid Diet for GvHD of bone marrow transplant patients.
3. Adapted patient education materials (low K Diet, Nutrition for Head & Neck Radiotherapy Patients) according to ethnic eating habits.
4. Established nutrition component for 4th-year pharmacy course, U. of Toronto.
5. Produced patient education material “Blenderized Diet” (Now published by Canadian Cancer Society).
Professional Activities & Publications:
1. Profession Leader, Clinical Nutrition, Toronto East General Hospital
2. Script Writer, education video ‘Eat Well, Live Well, Nutrition for your Surgery’. This video is now used in Pre-Operative Clinics and has sold 50 copies.
3. Lecturer, Critical Care Nursing, Centennial College.
4. Instructor, Early Childhood Education, Seneca College.
5. Co-author, “Adult Enteral Nutrition”, Toronto East General Hospital, Toronto.
6. Volunteer Dietitian, Vitablity 1993, Health & Welfare Canada.
7. Speaker, East York Chapter, Ontario Lung Association.
8. Author, “Nutritional Management of Cancer Patients”, Journal of Canadian Family Physicians.
9. Author, “Blenderized Diet”, Canadian Cancer Society.
10. Speaker, “Nutritional Management of Cancer Patients”, Telemedicine.
11. Consultant of film “Bone Marrow Transplant and You”, CBC.
12. Speaker, Annual Meeting, Ontario Oncology Association.
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