Osteopath in Hamilton - Wendel

In-Home corporate Osteopathy Hamilton

Are you looking for an in-home osteopath in Hamilton?

Let Santé Active help you!  We have a team of osteopaths that can treat you at your home. let me introduce you to our in-home osteopath in Hamilton Wendel.


I am a graduate of the National Academy of Osteopathy at Lakehead University. I have worked in healthcare for over twenty years, initially as a medical technologist and microbiologist. Then I worked and taught in the dental health field. 


I gained experience in the fitness industry as an assistant manager in a large fitness corporation. I have enhanced my knowledge of how a person’s medical/dental issues can impact the ability of the body to move freely and exercise efficiently. I am very involved in occupational osteopathy; I am a workplace consultant in ergonomics and rehabilitation for employees where my focus is repetitive strain injuries. 


  • BSc,D.O.M.P,M.L.T,DH Osteopath
  • Registered with the Ontario Osteopathic and Alternative Medicine Association
  • Registered with the Canadian Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists
  • Certified by the NDHCB

In-home and corporate Osteopath in Hamilton

 Santé Active 1-888-923-2448
